
Aravind & Sindu Post Wedding Photography Coimbatore

Nature,rain drops,trees,autumn leaves,love,warmth..when you think of these you get the feel of awesomeness!! Love is blissful with nature and super exiting with the the presence of super cool couple “Aravind & Sindu”!!

By the side of the rock,Together we rock!!

By the side of the rock,Together we rock!!

My man is my super cool friend!!

My man is my super cool friend!!

Crisp air,and fall of these autumn leaves, Every leaf,speak our love bliss!!

Crisp air,and fall of these autumn leaves, Every leaf,speak our love bliss!!

Drizzling rain drops from the treetops!! Is the perfect backdrop!! Perfect time for love!! Love Non stop!!

Drizzling rain drops from the treetops!! Is the perfect backdrop!! Perfect time for love!! Love Non stop!! 

My dear,you have hypnotized me,im in a dream world of ecstacy!!

My dear,you have hypnotized me,im in a dream world of ecstasy!!

A perfect dance move for a perfect pose!!

A perfect dance move for a perfect pose!!

It is not the droplets,but love is sprinkled everywhere!! Drenched in Love showers!!

It is not the droplets,but love is sprinkled everywhere!! Drenched in Love showers!!

The place is calm,Wrapped in your arms!! A state of being complete!!

The place is calm,Wrapped in your arms!! A state of being complete!!

Darling,let's go for a happy ride!! In the grass slide!!

Darling,let’s go for a happy ride!! In the grass slide!!

Your my wraparound!! Spellbound!!

Your my wraparound!! Spellbound!!

He: Baby,your my dream!! She: Your my dream come true!!

He: Baby,your my dream!! She: Your my dream come true!!

Wedding of “Franklin & Cynthia”, Feel of an elegant wedding!!

Christian weddings are known for their sobriety and elegance. The flower decorations at the church, the bride’s white wedding gown,the gorgeous bridesmaids,cute flower gals, all together make a Christian wedding a treat to the eye.
And one such,is the wedding of “Franklin & Cynthia”, Feel of an elegant wedding!!

Pretty rosebuds,with crown!!

Pretty rosebuds,with crown!!

She lends her smile,for the lights to glow!!

She lends her smile,for the lights to glow!!

White gown with a beautiful veil!! And our 'Prince Charming' waiting at the altar!!

White gown with a beautiful veil!! And our ‘Prince Charming’ waiting at the altar!!

And you need some bike stunts for a mass entry!!

And you need some bike stunts for a mass entry!!

Church a place for Prayer, Peace & solemnity yet beautiful,alive and festive ,coz it is our wedding!!

Church a place for Prayer, Peace & solemnity yet beautiful,alive and festive ,coz it is our wedding!!

Time to showcase the love and care for each other!! Ready to share everything together!! Not only love,even cakes too😉!!

Time to showcase the love and care for each other!! Ready to share everything together!! Not only love,even cakes too😉!!

Pretty floral wear!! Perfect match for the Perfect Pair!!

Pretty floral wear!! Perfect match for the Perfect Pair!!

Vignesh Kumaran & Ezhilmathi Wedding Shoot

The beginnings of love, the falling in love part, gives us starry eyes and butterflies in the stomach. It gives us someone, even better than a friend, to dance and dine with, someone to adventure with. And the adventure of this look alike couple “Vignesh Kumaran & Ezhilmathi” has started.

And it is a candid selfie!! So cool & Breezy!!

And it is a candid selfie!! So cool & Breezy!!

Forehead greets!! It is where my eyes close and heart opens with rhythm of beats!!

Forehead greets!! It is where my eyes close and heart opens with rhythm of beats!!

And this few seconds,is my favorite "Time"!! In my Lifetime!!

And this few seconds,is my favorite “Time”!! In my Lifetime!!

And our journey started,with new paths, hopes,dreams for tomorrow!!

And our journey started,with new paths, hopes,dreams for tomorrow!!


Hilarious poses that spiced up our bridesmaid photo shoot!!

Even since,when our BFF ” Priya Darshini” became the bride, lots of questions popping between each other, in picking the most beautiful dress, our shopping days, parties, treats, fun,incredibly excited in helping her celebrate her big day!! Who says groomsmen get to have all the fun? Check out these hilarious poses that spiced up our bridesmaid photo shoot!!
And they look stunning like characters of fairy tales!!

Costume Designer :- Gayathri Sivakumar
Make Up Artist :- Priya Meenu

Hilarious poses that spiced up our bridesmaid photo shoot!!

We are not typical bridesmaids,we are Women of awesomeness!!

Hilarious poses that spiced up our bridesmaid photo shoot!!

Friends who slay together,stay together!!

Hilarious poses that spiced up our bridesmaid photo shoot!!

We gonna party!! Top secret!! Gals just wanna have fun!!

Hilarious poses that spiced up our bridesmaid photo shoot!!

And i found a gown,that not only made me feel confident but georgeous too!!

Hilarious poses that spiced up our bridesmaid photo shoot!!

Gang leader with the body guards!!

Hilarious poses that spiced up our bridesmaid photo shoot!!

Wherever i see,the image of my man is popping up!!


Kowshik kumar & Jayashree Post Wedding Photo Shoot

“Love is hard to describe in words,But a picture can!!So, without explaining much, let us simply dive into the love of “Kowshik kumar & Jayashree”!!

Kowshik kumar & Jayashree Post Wedding Photo Shoot

You are like a cute flower!! Like a bee i always stick together!!

Kowshik kumar & Jayashree Post Wedding Photo Shoot

Sending Love!! In return,Expecting “Like”👍!!

Kowshik kumar & Jayashree Post Wedding Photo Shoot

These Bamboo sticks bends along with the side of the wind!! So as i do,towards you!!

Kowshik kumar & Jayashree Post Wedding Photo Shoot

We found a little piece of heaven inside the bamboo shelter!!

Kowshik kumar & Jayashree Post Wedding Photo Shoot

Gorgeous “She”!! Gallant “He”!!Perfect together,So lovely to “See”!!

Kowshik kumar & Jayashree Post Wedding Photo Shoot


Kowshik kumar & Jayashree Post Wedding Photo Shoot

All i want is having you by my side!!

“KIDS RUN” An event for family & kids, for a good social cause “A run against girl child abuse”

“KIDS RUN” An event for family & kids, for a good social cause “A run against girl child abuse”,for health & fitness to stay in shape.Also to ignite the passion for sports and physical activity in kids, pre-teens & teens, in order to lead a healthier, happier and confident lifestyle tomorrow.
Parents were spectators and cheerleaders and motivated their kids till the event ends!!
Every kid was encouraged with a medal, T shirt and a certificate!!
Organizers: EventJINI
Videography & Photography : The Photo Today Photography

"KIDS RUN" An event for family & kids, for a good social cause "A run against girl child abuse" "KIDS RUN" An event for family & kids, for a good social cause "A run against girl child abuse" "KIDS RUN" An event for family & kids, for a good social cause "A run against girl child abuse" "KIDS RUN" An event for family & kids, for a good social cause "A run against girl child abuse" "KIDS RUN" An event for family & kids, for a good social cause "A run against girl child abuse" "KIDS RUN" An event for family & kids, for a good social cause "A run against girl child abuse" "KIDS RUN" An event for family & kids, for a good social cause "A run against girl child abuse" "KIDS RUN" An event for family & kids, for a good social cause "A run against girl child abuse" "KIDS RUN" An event for family & kids, for a good social cause "A run against girl child abuse" "KIDS RUN" An event for family & kids, for a good social cause "A run against girl child abuse" "KIDS RUN" An event for family & kids, for a good social cause "A run against girl child abuse" "KIDS RUN" An event for family & kids, for a good social cause "A run against girl child abuse" "KIDS RUN" An event for family & kids, for a good social cause "A run against girl child abuse" "KIDS RUN" An event for family & kids, for a good social cause "A run against girl child abuse"

This couple “.Suganya & Sibi” looks like a sunshine on a rainy day

This couple “.Suganya & Sibi” looks like a sunshine on a rainy day, so bright & energetic!! Not only the couple, even the weather was in our favor!! The rainy, cool & cloudy weather also added beauty to the pics!!

This couple ".Suganya & Sibi" looks like a sunshine on a rainy day,

Drizzling rain drops!! And the Love that Pops!! Waiting for a byte from the corncobs!!

This couple ".Suganya & Sibi" looks like a sunshine on a rainy day,

When i walk beside you i can just hold your palms!! So i walk behind you to wrap you in my arms!!

This couple ".Suganya & Sibi" looks like a sunshine on a rainy day,

Not only me,even the water “falls” for your love!!

This couple ".Suganya & Sibi" looks like a sunshine on a rainy day,

The true reflection of love!!

This couple ".Suganya & Sibi" looks like a sunshine on a rainy day,

He:Stay focused my dear!! She:My man is behind me in all my dreams!!

This couple ".Suganya & Sibi" looks like a sunshine on a rainy day,

Darling!!Not even me,even my camera turns ON!! When your smile is ON!!

This couple ".Suganya & Sibi" looks like a sunshine on a rainy day,

My baby,I hold you high not to Miss!! This lovely forehead Kiss!!

This couple ".Suganya & Sibi" looks like a sunshine on a rainy day,

Style with a Smile!!

This couple ".Suganya & Sibi" looks like a sunshine on a rainy day,

Wrapped ourselves in the arms of nature!! As We are tiny creatures of nature!!

This couple ".Suganya & Sibi" looks like a sunshine on a rainy day,

Not always a princess,sometimes love being a tomboy too!!

This couple ".Suganya & Sibi" looks like a sunshine on a rainy day,

The clouds,heavy and dark!! And the eyes that spark!! Its gonna be a love fall!!

This couple ".Suganya & Sibi" looks like a sunshine on a rainy day,

Lemme pose a little!!

This couple ".Suganya & Sibi" looks like a sunshine on a rainy day,

Women in red,”Rules”!!

This couple ".Suganya & Sibi" looks like a sunshine on a rainy day,

She began to blush!! He began to flush!! She: He is the man,behind my smile!! He: She is the girl,behind my style!!

This couple ".Suganya & Sibi" looks like a sunshine on a rainy day,

Smile is the beginning of every love!! when She smile,My love gets piled!!

This couple ".Suganya & Sibi" looks like a sunshine on a rainy day,

I love to be the little gal inside me!!

This couple ".Suganya & Sibi" looks like a sunshine on a rainy day,

White shirt & Black coolers!! A cool combo for a cool man!?

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