Harshiv’s 1st birth day photo shoot – Thephototoday Photography Coimbatore
The first year of life is always magical, the baby learns how to live, discovers his little world.This day will bring many memories to a child and his family,and these memories must be treasured for lifetime!! And here is a few glimpse of one such!! It is little Harshiv’s 1st bday photo shoot!!

Buckle the seat belt and Driving’ the car!! Can go any place,close or far!!

This smug grin!! Especially For my kith n kin!!

It’s super fun, to turn One!! Im gonna eat cake,ice cream and have a lot of fun!!

And here is the cute peacock!! And his smile unlocked!!

Chooo Cute with the flute!!

Mickey version 2!!Ready for the adventure!!

Part 1:Lord Krishna with pot of butter!! Part 2: Modern Krishna’s cake smash!!