What is the best time to take pictures?
What is the best time to take pictures? It is the first thing you should ask us to organize our photographic output, since it is not the same take pictures at any time of year and at different times of the day. To do this, we will consider a number of tips for pictures at the best time.
Think about what you can bring each season.
Fall. It’s probably the best time to photograph forests. The leaves turn colors and can create very striking images.
What is the best time to take pictures?
Winter: The light is more uniform, not much contrast between sun and shade; therefore, it is a good time to take pictures on the street or to capture scenes with soft light.
Spring: Needless to say that is the best season if you like to photograph flowers. Be also aware when the trees begin to sprout, in the early days the leaves are green gaudy.
Summer: Surely many think they are the best months to take pictures because good weather. However, the light is very hard and this can play against us. The shadows are very dark and the lights can burn, especially in the middle of the day. But if what we are photos with blue skies, we must seize these summer days.
After deciding what the season is most suited to the images that we create, we will think about what is the best time of day to take pictures. As happens in different months of the year, the light changes a lot throughout the day.
Sunsets and sunrises: Locates the east and west to anticipate where the sun rises and hides.
Blue hour wait. They are those few minutes from the city lights come on until dusk and are compensated with the sky it darkens slowly with blue hues.
Avoid the hottest hours. Especially when much sun makes the light is very choppy and make very disadvantaged shadows.
Do not forget that one place, it can transmit different sensations depending on the time it has been photographed, so that attempts to return to the sites, at different times, days and seasons to experience the infinite photographic possibilities you can carry out.