Christian weddings are short and sweet; but just as beautiful!!
Georgeous bride “Mony” sport a pristine white wedding gown with veil, armed with lovely bouquet and the dashing groom “Monish” sports a floral black tuxedo or suit,the flower decorations at the church, the gorgeous bridesmaids and the adorable little flower girls, all together make a Christian wedding a treat to the eye!! Let us walkthrough these beautiful pictures!!

Gracefully elegant!!

Bride’s beautiful cheerleader!! Always by side, to comfort her!!

Nothing less than regal!! Power dressing!!

Dance in an intimate embrace!! Practicing together!!

Floral lush!! In the middle of a Floral heaven!!

Truely blessed!!

Hypnotic white!! Snow white!!

Before reciting the standard wedding vows in front of priest,a small rehersal goin on here!! He: Do you??? She: “Yes,I do”!!

As the veil adds beauty to the bride,so as the signature adds value to life!!

Walking down the aisle arm in arm!!

The Wedding Mass!!”Go in peace with Christ,”,hymns & prayers!!

Bouquet tossed over!! And here is the lucky maid of honour!!

And the wedding solemnised by the priest of the church!!

And this look for my prince charming waiting at the altar!!

Crowd cheers,color pops!! And here comes the bride and groom!!

The grand beauty!!

Another Cheerful young dynamic couple!!

He: My dear,”You” are an answer to my prayers and I will spend the rest of my life thanking God for loving me enough to send me His very best!!

My BFF,my supportive rock!! Hand in hand,heart to heart,love & Laughter!!

Balloons!!!!!! Straight to heaven!!

High bun,white gown!! Eyes down!! And the blush to add-on!! Full of grace & charm!!

Home sweet home!! Stepping in with a grin!!